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http://www.modares.ac.ir/index.jsp?siteid=11&pageid=28293&newsview=10611   , 1403/02/31

Towards establishing standard performance metrics for batteries, supercapacitors and beyond

The professor Mir F. Mousavi's research group from Tarbiat Modares University, in collaboration with the research group of professor Richard Kaner, UCLA, in a review paper examines various methods for assessing electrical energy storage systems in line with the criteria evaluation standardization of these systems.

This review article was published in the Chemical Society Reviews magazine with an impact factor of 40.182 (Chem Soc. Rev., 2019, 48, 1272-1341). The back cover of the magazine is dedicated to the image of this review.

They have asserted in their article which a series of criteria are commonly used to characterize and report performance of EES systems in the literature. However, as advanced EES systems are becoming more and more sophisticated, the methodologies to reliably evaluate the performance of the electrode active materials and EES devices need to be refined to realize the true promise as well as the limitations of these fast-moving technologies, and target areas for further development.

It has been mentioned in their abstract that they provide an overview of the energy storage devices from conventional capacitors to super capacitors to hybrid systems and ultimately to batteries. The metrics for evaluation of energy storage systems are described, although the focus is kept on capacitive and hybrid energy storage systems.

08:34 - شنبه 8 شهريور 2019    /    شماره خبر : 10611    /    تعداد نمايش خبر : 177