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Seasonal variations of vertical structure in the deep waters of the Southern Caspian Sea

Somayeh Nahavandian, Alireza Vasel Ali
Journal PaperRESEARCH IN MARINE SCIENCES , Volume 3 , Issue 1, 2018 March 1, {Pages 278-286 }


Seasonal variations of the vertical structure of the temperature and salinity in the Southern Caspian Sea were studied in this paper. The data were measured in one transect, and 9 stations during winter, spring and summer 2013-2014. Comparison of the estimated mixed layer depth using visual and threshold methods revealed that the threshold method underestimates the mixed layer depth. The depth of the mixed layer reaches its maximum in the winter during cooling and begins decreasing with starting the heating season. The temperature of the mixed layer varied in winter, spring and summer, between 10-12 C, 16.5-25 C, and 25-25.5 C, respectively. Bellow the mixed layer where the gradient of temperature is large, seasonal thermocline locates betw

Variations of vertical structure of water temperature in the coastal area of Noshahr and Lavijrood

Aziz Abdulahi, Somayeh Nahavandian, Dariush Mansoury
Journal PaperRESEARCH IN MARINE SCIENCES , Volume 3 , Issue 2, 2018 June 1, {Pages 311-322 }


Seasonal and spatial variations of temperature vertical structure are investigated in Noshahr and Lavijrood regions. Field measurements were carried out in spring and autumn 2012 and autumn 2016, using CTD up to a depth of 70 meters. In the spring three layers, namely mixed layer, thermocline, and deep layer are clearly distinguishable, while in the autumn, the deep layer is not observed. During the spring, the mixed layer is observed up to the depth of 10 m with temperature ranges from 21.5 to 22.5 degrees C and the thermocline is observed at the depth between 10 - 45 m with temperature ranges between 21.5 and 8 degrees C, and underneath, the deep layer is located. During the autumn, the mixed layer has been observed up to the depth of 40

Synoptic evaluation of carbon cycling in the Beaufort Sea during summer: contrasting river inputs, ecosystem metabolism and air–sea CO2 fluxes

Alexandre Forest, Pierre Coupel, B Else, S Nahavandian, Bruno Lansard, Patrick Raimbault, T Papakyriakou, Yves Gratton, Louis Fortier, J-? Tremblay, Marcel Babin
Journal PaperBiogeosciences , Volume 11 , Issue 10, 2014 January , {Pages 2827-2856 }


The accelerated decline in Arctic sea ice and an ongoing trend toward more energetic atmospheric and oceanic forcings are modifying carbon cycling in the Arctic Ocean. A critical issue is to understand how net community production (NCP; the balance between gross primary production and community respiration) responds to changes and modulates air–sea CO2 fluxes. Using data collected as part of the ArcticNet–Malina 2009 expedition in the southeastern Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean), we synthesize information on sea ice, wind, river, water column properties, metabolism of the planktonic food web, organic carbon fluxes and pools, as well as air–sea CO2 exchange, with the aim of documenting the ecosystem response to environmental changes. Data

Temporal and spatial evolution of the mixed layer in the southern Beaufort sea and the Amundsen Gulf.

Somayeh Nahavandian Esfahani
Journal Paper , 2014 January , {Pages }


La couche m?lang?e, la couche de surface oc?anique dot?e de propri?t?s physiques constantes en raison du m?lange, joue un r?le important dans les ?tudes biologiques et de contaminants. La pr?sente th?se se veut une tentative d'am?liorer notre connaissance de l'oc?an Arctique ? travers une ?tude des caract?ristiques des couches m?lang?es dans le sud de la mer de Beaufort et dans le golfe d'Amundsen. La profondeur de la couche m?lang?e a ?t? estim?e ? l'aide de cinq m?thodes diff?rentes et nous avons constat? que la plus appropri?e pour notre r?gion d'?tude est une version modifi?e de l'algorithme de Holte et Talley (2009). Notre ?tude est bas?e sur de nombreuses s?ries de donn?es r?centes et uniques recueillies dans le sud de la mer de Beauf

Synoptic evaluation of carbon cycling in Beaufort Sea during summer: contrasting river inputs, ecosystem metabolism and air--sea CO2 fluxes.

A Forest, P Coupel, B Else, S Nahavandian, B Lansard, P Raimbault, T Papakyriakou, Y Gratton, L Fortier, J-? Tremblay, M Babin
Journal PaperBiogeosciences Discussions , Volume 10 , Issue 10, 2013 October 15, {Pages }


The accelerated decline in Arctic sea ice combined with an ongoing trend toward a more dynamic atmosphere is modifying carbon cycling in the Arctic Ocean. A critical issue is to understand how net community production (NCP; the balance between gross primary production and community respiration) responds to changes and modulates air--sea CO2 fluxes. Using data collected as part of the ArcticNet-Malina 2009 expedition in southeastern Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean), we synthesize information on sea ice, wind, river, water column properties, metabolism of the planktonic food web, organic carbon fluxes and pools, as well as air--sea CO2 exchange, with the aim of identifying indices of ecosystem response to environmental changes. Data were analyzed

Impacts of Surface Fluxes on the Mixed Layer Depth Evolution in the Southern Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf

Somayeh Nahavandian, Yves Gratton, Louis Prieur
Conference Paper12th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, Washington, USA , 2013 January , {Pages }


Team 1: Physical Oceanography

Y Gratton, D Bourgault, P Galbraith, L Prieur, V Tsarev, J Barette, J Salcedo-Castro, S Nahavandian, M Sharatunova, C Brouard, C Hamel, C S?vigny, ME Rail, V Lago, P Guillot, C B?langer, D Boisvert
Journal PaperOn the edge: from knowledge to action during the fourth international polar year circumpolar aw lead system study (2007-2008) , 2012 January , {Pages 33 }

Evolution of the mixed layer in the Amundsen Gulf and Beaufort Sea

S Nahavandian, Y Gratton, L Prieur
Journal PaperQu?bec-Oc?an General Annual Meeting, Lac Beauport, Qu?bec , 2010 January , {Pages }

G5L 3A1 3 Institut Maurice Lamontagne, P?ches et oc?ans Canada, Mont-Joli, Qc, Canada, G5H 3Z4 4 Laboratoire d’oc?anographie de Villefranche, UPMC-INRS-CNRS-UMR7093?…

Yves Gratton, Daniel Bourgault, Peter Galbraith, Louis Prieur, Valery Tsarev
Journal Paper , 1 January , {Pages }


he summertime Arctic ice cap is melting at a rapid pace while the thickness of multi-year ice continues to decrease (Liu et al. 2004). In the past decade, Arctic sea ice minimal extent has been declining (Comiso et al. 2008) and it appears that 2011 will be another record low. These shrinking ice conditions will favor more commercial shipping, an increase in oil well drilling and the beginning of serious ocean floor mining. More open water, and for longer periods, will also change the oceanic conditions since the Arctic Ocean will be subject to longer periods of forcing by the winds, and of warming by the sun in summer. In winter, the only contact between the atmosphere and the ocean is through polynyas and flaw leads. Polynyas are ice-free

G5L 3A1 3 Institut Maurice Lamontagne, Pêches et océans Canada, Mont-Joli, Qc, Canada, G5H 3Z4 4 Laboratoire d’océanographie de Villefranche, UPMC-INRS-CNRS-UMR7093 …

Y Gratton, D Bourgault, P Galbraith, L Prieur, V Tsarev
Journal Paper , , {Pages }


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